Da da, tu je i Bitdefender.
Changes in Build 152 (12.04.2012):
* NEW: Bitdefender logo.
* IMPROVED: Bootkit detection heuristic.
* IMPROVED: Direct Disk Access handling.
* IMPROVED: Handling of GPT disks.
* IMPROVED: Scheduler starts a scan when it has missed its time window (thanks Adric).
* IMPROVED: Scheduler performs Default scan when the last Default scan was at least 30 days ago.
* FIXED: Solved a problem where HitmanPro would keep scanning indefinitely.
* FIXED: Solved a problem where HitmanPro could not overwrite an existing activation license due to changed file attributes.
* FIXED: Solved a problem handling the license files.
* FIXED: Solved a problem handing the ‘no proxy’ setting.
* Updated internal white lists.
Homepage – http://www.surfright.nl
Size: 6.81 MB
Download Trial 32-bit
Download Trial 64-bit
Pročitajte još...
Recenzija HitmanProHitmanPro: automatsko skeniranje skinutih datoteka
Kako pomoći čovjeku u nevolji sa virusima
Nelogično. Zašto Bitdefender kad već ima G-Data?
OdgovoriIzbrišiG-Data dobije stari engine od Avasta i stari engine od Bitdefendera. Generacija od prosle godine ili jos starije opcije. G-Data je imala 2008 za drugi engine Kasperskog,ali sa enginom starim dvije godine.